Photo Restoration
We all have photographs that over time have faded, become damaged or lost the negatives and want copies. I offer a service that repairs the damage, restores the colour and gives you a new looking photograph. I do this using my high end scanner and professional retouching software. I am not a magician, so the better the quality of the image ie. a good sharp and in focus image the better the end result. Saying that I’ll have a go at any image and see if an improvement can be made.
Very damaged original black and white photo. It even has sellotape across it.
After a scan and a some time using the retouching software I was able to restore the photo to a far improved state I think you would have to agree. In fact the customer who gave me tis to work on was quite overcome as it was the only photo she had of her long deceased sister who died as a child. it was a privilege to work on this piece.